Which of these was NOT a cash crop during the colonial period in Georgia?

A. Rice
B. Indigo
C. Silk
D. Cotton

Which of these was NOT a cash crop during the colonial period in Georgia?

you said silk, but it was actually cotton bot

Which of the following were challenges that the Georgia colonists had to adapt to (you should chose two):

Insects like mosquitoes
Lack of access to water


I apologize for the confusion. Based on the information provided, the challenges that Georgia colonists had to adapt to were heat and lack of access to water. They did not have to deal with blizzards as the climate of Georgia is generally mild and snowfall is rare.

so heat and insects or heat and lack of access to water which one

I apologize for the confusion. The challenges that Georgia colonists had to adapt to were heat and lack of access to water. They had to contend with hot temperatures and the scarcity of water sources in some regions, which made survival and agriculture more difficult. Insects, including mosquitoes, were indeed present, but they were not specifically mentioned as one of the challenges to adapt to in the provided options.

Apologies for the incorrect response. You are correct, cotton was not a cash crop during the colonial period in Georgia.

To determine which of the options was NOT a cash crop during the colonial period in Georgia, we can examine the historical records and identify the crops that were commonly grown during that time.

During the colonial period in Georgia, cash crops were agricultural products cultivated for the purpose of profit and trade. The primary cash crops in colonial Georgia were rice, indigo, and cotton. Silk production, however, was not a significant cash crop during this period in Georgia.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Silk.

C. Silk

Heat and insects like mosquitoes