Task 1:

Use Slide 2 to create a collage of pictures and symbols that represent where you are from. Need to have a minimum of 5 images (more would be awesome!) Some things you can include:
Family life
Activities (extracurricular and for fun)
Culture/family traditions/religion

Task 2:
Use Slide 3 to create a stanza that details “where you are from” (use your pictures as a guide). A few examples have been provided for you on slide 4. Model your stanza after George Ella Lyon’s or the examples. Here are some things to include:

Task 2:

I am from the small town with endless fields,
Where the smell of fresh corn always fills the air.
From early morning chores on the farm,
To lazy afternoons spent exploring the woods.

I am from the tight-knit family who gathers on Sundays,
Sharing stories and laughter around the table.
From the homemade dishes passed down through generations,
That bring comfort and warmth to our souls.

I am from the church on the corner,
Where we gather to worship and find solace.
From the hymns sung with all our hearts,
Guided by faith and a sense of community.

I am from summers spent by the lake,
The sound of waves crashing against the shore.
From long days of fishing and swimming,
Creating memories that will last a lifetime.

I am from late night bonfires under the starry sky,
Listening to stories and roasting marshmallows.
From the laughter and camaraderie of friends,
Building bonds that will never fade away.

I am from a place that molds my being,
Shaping my roots and guiding my path.
From the love and lessons learned,
That make me who I am today.

*Please note that this is a sample response and the actual content may vary depending on individual experiences and backgrounds.

task 1?

Task 1:

Here are five images that represent where I am from:

1. Family Life: A picture of my grandparents, parents, and siblings gathered around the dinner table, sharing a meal and conversation.
2. Activities: A photo of me playing soccer with my friends at the local park, showcasing my passion for sports and staying active.
3. Culture/Family Traditions/Religion: An image of my family celebrating a traditional holiday or religious ceremony, engaging in customs and rituals that are significant to our heritage.
4. Places/Experiences: A photograph of a beautiful beach or landmark in my hometown, symbolizing the natural beauty and attractions of the place I call home.
5. Community: A picture of a local festival or community event, showcasing the vibrant and close-knit community spirit that is characteristic of where I am from.

These images collectively create a collage that represents my background, upbringing, and the essence of where I come from.

Task 1:

To create a collage of pictures and symbols representing where you are from, follow these steps:

1. Open Slide 2 in your preferred editing software or presentation tool.
2. Identify at least 5 images that best represent your place of origin. These images should encompass different aspects, such as family life, activities, culture, and places/experiences.
3. Insert the first image onto the slide. You can resize or crop it if needed.
4. Repeat the previous step for the remaining images until you have all 5 pictures on the slide. Feel free to add more images if you have them.
5. Arrange the images in an aesthetically pleasing manner, considering their composition and visual balance.
6. Consider adding symbols or icons that represent specific aspects of your place of origin. These can be cultural symbols, religious symbols, or anything else relevant to your background.
7. Resize and position the symbols or icons in a way that complements the images and enhances the overall collage.
8. Add any desired text captions or labels to provide context or additional information about the images and symbols.
9. Review and adjust the collage as needed until you are satisfied with the final result.
10. Save or export the collage as an image file or as part of your presentation.

Task 2:
To create a stanza detailing "where you are from" based on Slide 3 and modeled after George Ella Lyon's or the examples, follow these steps:

1. Read George Ella Lyon's poem "Where I'm From" or review the provided examples on Slide 4.
2. Examine the pictures and symbols you have used in the collage on Slide 2 and consider how they represent specific aspects of your origin.
3. Start by brainstorming different elements of your origin. Think about specific places, people, memories, and experiences that shaped who you are.
4. Note down descriptive words, phrases, or anecdotes associated with each element.
5. Begin crafting your stanza by choosing a starting point. You can model it after the structure of Lyon's poem or create your own structure.
6. Incorporate specific details from your brainstorming into each line of the stanza, aiming to capture the essence of "where you are from."
7. Experiment with different word choices, line breaks, and rhythm to convey your message effectively.
8. Revise and refine the stanza, considering the overall flow, imagery, and emotional impact.
9. Review the stanza alongside your collage, ensuring that it aligns with the visuals and enhances the understanding of your origin story.
10. Once you are satisfied with the final stanza, you can insert it on Slide 3 as text alongside or below your collage.

To complete this task, you will need to use a presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. Here's a step-by-step guide to completing Task 1 and Task 2:

Task 1: Creating a collage of pictures and symbols representing where you are from

1. Open Slide 2: Start by opening the presentation and navigating to Slide 2 where you need to create the collage.

2. Gather images: Collect at least 5 images that represent different aspects of where you are from. You can include images related to family life, activities, culture, traditions, religion, places, and experiences. Make sure the images are saved on your computer or accessible online.

3. Insert images: On Slide 2, click on the desired location where you want to insert an image. Then, go to the "Insert" or "Insert Image" option in the menu bar, and select the image you want to insert. Repeat this step for all the images you gathered. Resize and arrange the images to create a visually appealing collage. You can also use symbols or icons to represent certain concepts if you don't have suitable images.

4. Add captions (optional): If needed, you can add captions or descriptions to each image by selecting the image and adding a text box near it. Write a brief description of what the image represents or its significance.

5. Customize the collage: Feel free to add background colors, borders, or any other design elements to enhance the visual impact of the collage. You can use the formatting options provided by the presentation software to add these design elements.

6. Save your work: Once you are satisfied with the collage, save the presentation to keep your progress.

Task 2: Creating a stanza that details "where you are from" using Slide 3

1. Open Slide 3: Navigate to Slide 3 in the presentation to start creating your stanza.

2. Analyze the images: Look at the collage you created in Task 1. Use the images as a guide to describe "where you are from" in your stanza. Consider the places, people, memories, and other elements represented by the images.

3. Brainstorm ideas: Reflect on your personal experiences, memories, and emotions associated with each image. Jot down keywords or phrases that come to mind when you think about each image or the overall theme.

4. Structure your stanza: Decide on the structure and length of your stanza. You can follow the four-line structure (quatrain) used in George Ella Lyon's poem or create your own structure. For example, you could have 6-8 lines of varying lengths.

5. Write your stanza: Begin writing your stanza, incorporating the keywords or phrases from your brainstorming. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to bring your words to life.

6. Edit and revise: Review your stanza for clarity, coherence, and poetic techniques such as rhyme, rhythm, and figurative language. Make any necessary edits or revisions to improve its flow and meaning.

7. Customize Slide 3: Enhance Slide 3 by adding your stanza as a text box or textbox; you can also adjust the font style, size, and color to match your aesthetic preferences. Consider adding artistic or decorative elements to further complement your stanza.

8. Save your work: Save the presentation to ensure your work is preserved.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Task 1 and Task 2 by creating a collage of pictures and symbols representing where you are from, and writing a stanza that details "where you are from" using the images as a guide.