If someone is intrinsically motivated, they are driven by:

(1 point)
A. peer pressure.
C. external factors and forces.
D. internal factors and forces.

D. internal factors and forces.

D. internal factors and forces.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the concept of intrinsic motivation and what drives someone who is intrinsically motivated.

Intrinsic motivation refers to being motivated by internal factors and forces, such as personal interest, enjoyment, and a sense of personal satisfaction in performing a particular activity. People who are intrinsically motivated engage in activities because they find them inherently enjoyable, fulfilling, or meaningful, rather than being driven by external rewards or pressures.

Given this information, the correct answer to the question is:

D. internal factors and forces.

Therefore, if someone is intrinsically motivated, they are driven by internal factors and forces rather than peer pressure, money, or external factors.