Given a users dict that maps usernames to email addresses, how would you get the email address for the user djs?

To get the email address for the user "djs" from the users dictionary, you can use the following code:

users = {
'john': 'john',
'anna': 'anna',
'djs': 'djs',
'mike': 'mike',

email_address = users.get('djs')

By using the `get()` method on the `users` dictionary with the argument 'djs', it will return the corresponding value ('djs'), which represents the email address for the user 'djs'.

To get the email address for the user "djs" from the users dictionary, you can follow these steps:

1. Access the value of the "djs" key in the users dictionary.
2. Store the value in a variable.

In Python, the code would look like this:

users = {
"alice": "alice",
"bob": "bob",
"djs": "djs"

email_address = users["djs"]

After executing this code, the variable `email_address` would contain the email address for the user "djs".

To get the email address for the user "djs" from the given users dictionary that maps usernames to email addresses, you can follow these steps:

1. First, check if the "djs" key exists in the users dictionary.
2. If the key exists, you can retrieve the value associated with the "djs" key, which will be the email address.
3. If the key does not exist, you can handle this situation based on your requirements. For example, you can show an error message or return a default value.

Here's an example Python code snippet to demonstrate this:

# Given users dictionary
users = {
"user1": "user1",
"user2": "user2",
"djs": "djs",
"user4": "user4"

# Get the email address for user "djs"
if "djs" in users:
email_address = users["djs"]
print(f"The email address for user 'djs' is: {email_address}")
print("User 'djs' does not exist.")

The email address for user 'djs' is: djs

In the above code, we first check if the key "djs" exists in the `users` dictionary using the `in` operator. If it exists, we retrieve its value using square brackets (`[]`). Otherwise, we print a message indicating that the user does not exist.