Evaluate 4 times a number q plus 25 when q = 2. (1 point) 1. 27 2. 31 3. 33  4. 42

To evaluate 4 times a number q plus 25 when q = 2, we substitute the value of q into the expression:

4(2) + 25 = 8 + 25 = 33

Therefore, the correct answer is 3. 33.

To evaluate 4 times a number q plus 25 when q = 2, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the value of q into the expression:
4 times 2 plus 25

Step 2: Perform the multiplication first:
8 plus 25

Step 3: Perform the addition:
8 + 25 = 33

Therefore, the answer is 33.

So, the correct option is 3. 33.

To evaluate the expression 4q + 25 when q = 2, you simply substitute the value of q into the expression and perform the arithmetic. Here's how to do it:

1. Replace q with 2 in the expression: 4(2) + 25
2. Simplify the multiplication: 8 + 25
3. Add the numbers: 8 + 25 = 33

Therefore, the answer is 33.

So, option 3. 33 is the correct answer.