write the conditional ven diagram that the Venn Diagram illustrates quadrilaterals squares

Here is the conditional Venn diagram that illustrates quadrilaterals and squares:

| Quadrilaterals |
| |
| _______ |
| | Squares | |
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |

In this diagram, the rectangle represents all quadrilaterals and the circle within the rectangle represents the subset of quadrilaterals that are squares.

To create a conditional Venn diagram for quadrilaterals and squares, we need to establish the conditions that separate the two categories.

Let's label the whole set as "Quadrilaterals" and the subset as "Squares".

The conditional statement can be:

"If a shape is a square, then it is also a quadrilateral."

To represent this, we would draw two overlapping circles, one labeled "Quadrilaterals" and the other labeled "Squares". The circle for "Squares" should be entirely inside the circle for "Quadrilaterals". This indicates that all squares are also quadrilaterals.

Here is how the Venn diagram would look:

________ ________
| | | |
| | | |
| Squa | | |
| res | | |
| | | |
|________| |________|

The portion labeled "Squares" represents the conditional statement, indicating that all squares are included in the category of quadrilaterals.

To create a Venn diagram that demonstrates the relationship between quadrilaterals and squares, follow these steps:

1. Draw two overlapping circles, one representing quadrilaterals and the other representing squares.
2. Label the circle representing quadrilaterals as "Quadrilaterals."
3. Label the circle representing squares as "Squares."
4. In the overlapping region of the circles, write "Quadrilateral Squares" to indicate the subset of quadrilaterals that are also squares.
5. Outside of the overlapping region, write "Non-Square Quadrilaterals" to represent quadrilaterals that are not squares.
6. Outside of the overlapping region, write "Non-Square Shapes" to represent all other shapes that are not quadrilaterals.

The resulting Venn diagram would have three regions:
- The "Quadrilaterals" circle, not overlapping with the "Squares" circle, represents all quadrilaterals that are not squares.
- The "Squares" circle, not overlapping with the "Quadrilaterals" circle, represents all squares that are not quadrilaterals.
- The overlapping region represents quadrilateral squares, which are both quadrilaterals and squares.