If she eats 1.1 oz of protein, how many grams of protein has she eaten? Express the mass in grams to two significant figures

If she eats 1.1oz of protein has she exceeded her protein intake

To convert ounces to grams, we can use the conversion factor: 1 ounce = 28.35 grams.

So, if she eats 1.1 oz of protein, she has eaten 1.1 * 28.35 = 31.19 grams of protein.

To two significant figures, the mass of protein she has eaten is 31 grams.

Whether she has exceeded her protein intake or not depends on her specific dietary needs and recommendations.

To convert 1.1 ounces of protein to grams, we need to multiply by the conversion factor of 28.35 grams per ounce.

1.1 oz * 28.35 g/oz = 31.185 g

Therefore, she has eaten approximately 31.2 grams of protein.

To determine if she has exceeded her protein intake, we would need to know her recommended daily protein intake. Without that information, we cannot determine if she has exceeded it or not.

To convert ounces (oz) to grams (g), you can use the conversion factor 1 oz = 28.3495 g. This means that each ounce is approximately equivalent to 28.3495 grams.

Now, let's calculate the number of grams of protein she has eaten.

Given that she has eaten 1.1 oz of protein, we can use the conversion factor as follows:

1.1 oz × 28.3495 g/oz = 31.1845 g

Rounding the answer to two significant figures, we get 31 grams of protein.

To determine if she has exceeded her protein intake, we would need to know the recommended or acceptable amount of protein intake for her. If the recommendation is less than or equal to 31 grams, then she has not exceeded her protein intake. Otherwise, if the recommendation is more than 31 grams, then she has exceeded her protein intake.