Calcium-45 has a half-life of 162.7 days. four half-lives have elapsed, how much time has passed? 1.783 years 40.68 days 650.8 years 40.68 years

Four half-lives have elapsed for calcium-45, and each half-life is 162.7 days. Therefore, the total time that has passed is 4 x 162.7 days = 650.8 days.

To convert this time into years, we divide by the number of days in a year (365 days).

650.8 days ÷ 365 days/year = 1.783 years.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1.783 years.

To find out how much time has passed after four half-lives of calcium-45, we need to multiply the half-life by the number of half-lives.

Half-life of calcium-45 = 162.7 days
Number of half-lives = 4

Therefore, time passed = Half-life x Number of half-lives

Time passed = 162.7 days x 4 = 650.8 days

To convert the time passed into years, we divide by the number of days in a year, which is approximately 365.25.

650.8 days ÷ 365.25 days/year ≈ 1.783 years

So, the correct answer is 1.783 years.

To calculate how much time has passed when four half-lives have elapsed for Calcium-45 with a half-life of 162.7 days, you need to multiply the half-life by the number of half-lives.

Time passed = Half-life x Number of half-lives

Time passed = 162.7 days x 4

Time passed = 650.8 days

Now, we need to convert this duration into years. There are 365.25 days in a year (taking into account leap years on average).

Time passed (in years) = 650.8 days / 365.25 days/year

Time passed (in years) ≈ 1.783 years

So, when four half-lives have elapsed for Calcium-45, approximately 1.783 years have passed. Therefore, the correct answer is 1.783 years.