Select the equality for liters and megaliters.

1L = 10 ^ 6 ML
1ML = 10 ^ 3 L
1ML = 10 ^ 6 L
1ML = 10 ^ - 6 L

1ML = 10^6 L

The correct equality for liters and megaliters is:

1ML = 10^6 L

The correct equality for liters and megaliters is: 1ML = 10 ^ 6 L.

To understand the conversion between liters and megaliters, we need to know that the prefix "mega-" represents one million (10 ^ 6).

So, to convert liters to megaliters, we divide the number of liters by 10 ^ 6. For example, if we have 500,000 liters, the equivalent in megaliters would be 500,000 / 10 ^ 6 = 0.5 ML.

Conversely, to convert megaliters to liters, we multiply the number of megaliters by 10 ^ 6. For example, if we have 2.5 megaliters, the equivalent in liters would be 2.5 * 10 ^ 6 = 2,500,000 L.

So, the correct equality for liters and megaliters is 1ML = 10 ^ 6 L.