Four movers pick up boxes. Each box has a different mass, and each mover applies a different amount of force to lift the box. Which box will have the greatest acceleration?

A. A 20 kg box lifted with 60 N of force
B. A 20 kg box lifted with 40 N of force
C. A 10 kg box lifted with 40 N of force
D. A 10 kg box lifted with 60 N of force

The acceleration of an object can be calculated using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force is equal to mass times acceleration (F=ma).

Let's calculate the acceleration for each option:

A. A = F/m = 60N / 20kg = 3 m/s²
B. A = F/m = 40N / 20kg = 2 m/s²
C. A = F/m = 40N / 10kg = 4 m/s²
D. A = F/m = 60N / 10kg = 6 m/s²

Therefore, the 10 kg box lifted with 60 N of force (option D) will have the greatest acceleration with 6 m/s².

A baseball has a mass of 145g. A pitcher throws the baseball so that it accelerates at a rate of 80 m/s². How much force did the pitcher apply to the baseball.

A. 65 N
B. 11.6 N
C. 1.8 N
D. 0.6 N

To calculate the force applied by the pitcher to the baseball, we can use Newton's second law of motion (F=ma), where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration.

First, we need to convert the mass of the baseball from grams to kilograms:
Mass of baseball = 145g = 0.145 kg

Now we can calculate the force:
F = m * a = 0.145kg * 80 m/s² = 11.6 N.

Therefore, the pitcher applied a force of 11.6 N (option B) to the baseball.

Which situation describes a negative acceleration?

A. A diver jumping off a diving board and falling to the swimming pool below
B. A bicycle increasing its velocity as the rider pedals harder
C. A swimmer moving at a constant velocity
D. A runner slowing down at the end of a race

A runner slowing down at the end of a race (option D) describes a negative acceleration.

To determine which box will have the greatest acceleration, we need to calculate the acceleration for each box using Newton's second law of motion:

acceleration = force / mass

For box A:
mass = 20 kg
force = 60 N
acceleration = 60 N / 20 kg = 3 m/s^2

For box B:
mass = 20 kg
force = 40 N
acceleration = 40 N / 20 kg = 2 m/s^2

For box C:
mass = 10 kg
force = 40 N
acceleration = 40 N / 10 kg = 4 m/s^2

For box D:
mass = 10 kg
force = 60 N
acceleration = 60 N / 10 kg = 6 m/s^2

Comparing the acceleration values, we can see that box D lifted with 60 N of force will have the greatest acceleration. So, the correct answer is D.

To determine the box with the greatest acceleration, we can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that acceleration is proportional to the force applied and inversely proportional to the mass of an object.

The formula for Newton's second law is:

acceleration = force / mass

Let's calculate the acceleration for each box:

A. For the 20 kg box lifted with 60 N of force:
acceleration = 60 N / 20 kg = 3 m/s^2

B. For the 20 kg box lifted with 40 N of force:
acceleration = 40 N / 20 kg = 2 m/s^2

C. For the 10 kg box lifted with 40 N of force:
acceleration = 40 N / 10 kg = 4 m/s^2

D. For the 10 kg box lifted with 60 N of force:
acceleration = 60 N / 10 kg = 6 m/s^2

Comparing the accelerations, we can see that the 10 kg box lifted with 60 N of force (option D) has the greatest acceleration.