A 1.5oz bag of potato chips provides a total of 635 of energyHow many food Calories is this?

To convert the energy value from calories to Food Calories, we need to divide it by 1,000.

Therefore, a 1.5oz bag of potato chips provides 635/1000 = 0.635 Food Calories.

To convert the energy in joules to food calories, you can use the conversion factor: 1 calorie = 4.184 joules.

Given that a 1.5oz bag of potato chips provides 635 joules of energy, you can convert it to food calories using the formula:

Food Calories = Energy (joules) / Conversion Factor (joules/calorie).

Food Calories = 635 joules / 4.184 joules/calorie.

Food Calories ≈ 151.79 calories.

Therefore, a 1.5oz bag of potato chips provides approximately 151.79 food calories.

To calculate the number of food calories in a given amount of energy, you need to convert the energy unit from joules (J) to food calories (Cal).

The conversion factor between joules and food calories is 1 calorie (Cal) = 4.184 joules (J).

First, let's convert the energy provided by the 1.5oz bag of potato chips from joules to calories:

1 calorie (Cal) = 4.184 joules (J)

So, the number of food calories can be calculated as:

Number of food Calories = Energy (joules) / Conversion factor

In this case, the energy provided is 635 joules. Plugging this value into the equation, we get:

Number of food Calories = 635 J / 4.184 J

Calculating this, we find:

Number of food Calories = 151.62 Cal

Therefore, a 1.5oz bag of potato chips provides approximately 151.62 food calories.