How can economic issues contribute to conflict between countries regarding resource use, and how have these issues been resolved in recent years? (1 point)

The shared use of resources like rivers can lead to disputes between countries when decisions by one country impact the use of that resource by a neighbor. This leads to resource sharing agreements between these countries.
Developing economies are reliant on the use of renewable resources to sustain economic growth, which can be
• threatened by subsidies for fossil fuels. This is usually resolved through the use of treaties
Countries at different stages of economic development have different attitudes toward tuse of fossil fuels.
• International organizations such as the UN have helped create compromise.
O Addressing climate change has become an international priority, but sustainable development plans can favor
countries with abundant renewable resources. This situation can lead to violent conflict

if countries with limited resources feel marginalized or left behind. Resolving these issues often involves international negotiations, agreements, and cooperation.

In recent years, there have been efforts to address these economic issues and resolve conflicts through various means:

1. International Treaties: Countries have entered into agreements and treaties to address resource use and conflicts. For example, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) provides a legal framework for the equitable and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, including resolving disputes related to marine resources.

2. International Organizations: Organizations like the United Nations and its specialized agencies work towards resolving conflicts and promoting sustainable development. Through negotiations and international cooperation, these organizations help facilitate dialogue and find solutions that benefit multiple countries.

3. Diplomatic Negotiations: Countries engage in diplomatic negotiations to resolve conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions. This can involve discussions on resource sharing, creating joint management plans, or implementing sustainable development practices.

4. Mediation and Arbitration: In certain cases, countries may seek mediation or arbitration to settle disputes regarding resource use. This involves the involvement of neutral third parties who help facilitate negotiations and find a compromise that satisfies all parties involved.

5. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The United Nations' SDGs provide a global framework to address economic, social, and environmental challenges. By working towards achieving these goals, countries can reduce conflicts related to resource use and promote equitable and sustainable development.

It is important to note that resolving economic issues and conflicts related to resource use is an ongoing process, and each situation requires a context-specific approach. International cooperation, dialogue, and a commitment to sustainable development are key in finding lasting solutions to these conflicts.

between countries that do not have access to these resources.

In recent years, there have been efforts to address these economic issues and resolve conflicts. One approach has been the development of international treaties and agreements. These agreements outline the rights and responsibilities of countries when it comes to resource use and sharing. They help establish rules and guidelines for the equitable use of resources and provide a platform for resolving disputes through diplomatic negotiations.

Another avenue for resolution has been through the intervention of international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). The UN has played a significant role in facilitating dialogue and negotiations between countries to find common ground on resource use issues. It helps mediate conflicts and encourages countries to cooperate and come to mutually beneficial agreements.

Addressing climate change has also become an international priority. This has led to the promotion of sustainable development plans that aim to reduce reliance on finite resources and promote the use of renewable resources. While these plans can favor countries with abundant renewable resources, efforts are being made to ensure that all countries have access to clean and sustainable energy alternatives.

In summary, economic issues related to resource use can contribute to conflicts between countries. However, in recent years, these issues have been addressed through the use of treaties, the intervention of international organizations, and the promotion of sustainable development plans. These measures aim to foster cooperation and resolve conflicts arising from resource use disagreements.

between countries that feel marginalized or disadvantaged.

The resolution of economic issues contributing to conflicts over resource use has seen some progress in recent years.

One way these issues have been resolved is through the negotiation and implementation of resource sharing agreements. These agreements involve countries coming together to establish rules and guidelines for the use and management of shared resources, such as rivers or lakes. By creating a framework for cooperation, countries can avoid conflicts arising from the unilateral decisions of one country impacting the use of the resource by another. These agreements often involve discussions and compromises between the countries involved, and may be facilitated by international organizations or mediated by neutral parties.

Another economic issue that can contribute to conflicts over resource use is the reliance of developing economies on renewable resources for sustained economic growth. These resources can be threatened by subsidies for fossil fuels, which can distort the market and hinder the development of renewable energy industries. To resolve this issue, international treaties and agreements have been established to promote the transition to clean energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The Paris Agreement, for example, sets targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encourages countries to invest in renewable energy sources.

Additionally, countries at different stages of economic development may have different attitudes and priorities regarding resource use. International organizations, such as the United Nations, have played a role in facilitating discussions and negotiations to address these differences and foster compromise. By bringing countries together and providing a platform for dialogue, these organizations can help bridge the gap between different perspectives and find common ground.

Addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development have also become international priorities. However, it is important to note that sustainable development plans can sometimes favor countries with abundant renewable resources, which can lead to tensions and conflicts. To mitigate this issue, efforts are being made to promote equitable access to resources and ensure that development plans take into account the needs and interests of all countries, particularly those with limited resources.

Overall, economic issues related to resource use can contribute to conflicts between countries. The resolution of these issues involves the negotiation and implementation of resource sharing agreements, treaty commitments to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, the involvement of international organizations in fostering compromise, and efforts to promote equitable access to resources.