Which option must be placed between coordinate adjectives?(1 point)


no punctuation
no punctuation





The option that must be placed between coordinate adjectives is "commas."

The correct option that must be placed between coordinate adjectives is "commas." When we use multiple adjectives to describe a noun, we often separate them with commas. This is especially true when the adjectives are coordinate, which means they are on the same level and could be rearranged without changing the meaning of the sentence.

For example:
- "She has a beautiful, intelligent dog." (The adjectives "beautiful" and "intelligent" are coordinate and are separated by a comma.)
- "I wore a long, flowery dress." (The adjectives "long" and "flowery" are coordinate and are separated by a comma.)

Using periods or semicolons between coordinate adjectives would not be grammatically correct. Periods are used to end a sentence, while semicolons are used to connect two independent clauses. Neither of these punctuation marks is appropriate for separating coordinate adjectives.