Which statement is not true about friendships in the Spanish speaking world?

(1 point)

Close friends of the family often attend family gatherings.
Close friends of the family often attend family gatherings.

Close friends of the family are treated like family members.
Close friends of the family are treated like family members.

Family members call close friends tía or tío even though they are not related to the family.
Family members call close friends tía or tío even though they are not related to the family.

Close friends of the family only attend the most important celebrations and events.

Close friends of the family only attend the most important celebrations and events.

The statement that is not true about friendships in the Spanish speaking world is:

"Close friends of the family only attend the most important celebrations and events."

To find out which statement is not true about friendships in the Spanish speaking world, we need to go through each option and determine if it accurately represents the cultural norms regarding friendships.

Statement 1: Close friends of the family often attend family gatherings.
This statement is true. In the Spanish speaking world, it is common for close friends of the family to be included in family gatherings and celebrations.

Statement 2: Close friends of the family are treated like family members.
This statement is true. In the Spanish speaking world, close friends of the family are often considered an extension of the family and are treated as such.

Statement 3: Family members call close friends tía or tío even though they are not related to the family.
This statement is true as well. It is common for family members to refer to close friends as "tía" (aunt) or "tío" (uncle), even if they are not biologically related. This reflects the close bond and familiar treatment of these friends.

Statement 4: Close friends of the family only attend the most important celebrations and events.
This statement is not true. In the Spanish speaking world, close friends of the family are often invited and included in various celebrations and events, not just the most important ones.

Based on this analysis, the statement "Close friends of the family only attend the most important celebrations and events" is not true about friendships in the Spanish speaking world.