Starry Night

by Edvard Munch

Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open
Content Program

Artists are driven to create art for many different reasons. What seems to be the purpose for this artistic creation?
(1 point)

for a utilitarian purpose
for a utilitarian purpose

for an aesthetic purpose
for an aesthetic purpose

for personal expression or emotional release

The purpose of the artistic creation "Starry Night" by Edvard Munch seems to be for an aesthetic purpose.

To determine the purpose behind Edvard Munch's artwork, "Starry Night," we can analyze the artistic elements and the context in which it was created. However, it is important to note that "Starry Night" is commonly associated with Vincent van Gogh, not Edvard Munch.

To understand the purpose of a particular artwork, it is often useful to consider the historical, sociocultural, and individual factors that may have influenced the artist. In the case of van Gogh's "Starry Night," it is believed that the purpose of this artistic creation was primarily aesthetic.

The painting was created during van Gogh's stay at a mental asylum, where he sought treatment for his mental health struggles. During this period, van Gogh experienced intense emotions and used art as a means of expression and therapy. "Starry Night" showcases the artist's unique style, marked by vivid colors, expressive brushstrokes, and a sense of movement.

Based on these elements, we can conclude that the purpose behind van Gogh's creation of "Starry Night" was to express his inner emotions, capture the beauty and wonder of the night sky, and communicate his own interpretation of the natural world.

Therefore, the purpose of this artistic creation leans towards an aesthetic purpose rather than a utilitarian one.