Which of the following correctly describes the ratio 6:3?(1 point)


6 triangles to 3 circles
6 triangles to 3 circles

6 triangles to 9 shapes
6 triangles to 9 shapes

Start Fraction 3 over 6 End Fraction

9 shapes to 6 triangles

6 triangles to 3 circles.

The correct description of the ratio 6:3 is "6 triangles to 3 circles."

The correct description of the ratio 6:3 is "6 triangles to 3 circles."

To understand ratios, we first need to know what they represent. A ratio is a comparison of two quantities. It tells us how many times one quantity is greater or smaller than the other. Ratios are often expressed using the ":" symbol.

In this case, the ratio 6:3 means that for every 6 triangles, there are 3 circles. So, the correct response is "6 triangles to 3 circles."