Write in logarithmic form.


log(base 1/2)8 = -3

To write the equation 1/2^-3 = 8 in logarithmic form, we need to find the exponent that the base (2) needs to be raised to in order to equal the given value (1/8).

Logarithmic form: logâ‚‚(1/8) = -3

To write the equation 1/2^-3 = 8 in logarithmic form, we need to understand how logarithms work.

In logarithmic form, we express an equation with a logarithm and its base. The logarithm is the exponent to which the base must be raised to obtain the given value.

In this equation, the base is 2 because we are dealing with powers of 2. The value is 8 because it is the result of the equation. So, to write this equation in logarithmic form, we need to find the exponent that raises 2 to the power of to get 8.

We can express this as:

log2(8) = -3

This equation states that the logarithm of 8 with base 2 is equal to -3.

Therefore, in logarithmic form, the equation 1/2^-3 = 8 can be written as log2(8) = -3.