Read the passage about a science experiment that Bill conducted.

“Bill grabbed an unfilled water bottle and capped it securely. Subsequently, he immersed the water bottle into a pot of boiling water. After a span of 5 minutes, Bill extracted the bottle from the heat and promptly transferred it into a bath of cold water.”

Which of the following best explains what Bill observed?

The water bottle expanded as a consequence of the volume diminishing with the decrease in temperature.

The water bottle crumpled as a result of the volume shrinking with the decrease in temperature.

The water bottle crumpled due to an expansion in volume as the temperature declined.

The water bottle enlarged due to a rise in volume as the temperature decreased.

The water bottle crumpled as a result of the volume shrinking with the decrease in temperature.

If the pressure of the gas increases in a container held at a constant volume, what is the most likely outcome for the temperature?

The temperature will drop at half the rate of the pressure increase.

The temperature will decline proportionally to the rate of pressure increase.

The temperature will rise at half the rate of the pressure increase.

The temperature will rise at the same rate with the increase in pressure.

The temperature will rise at the same rate with the increase in pressure.

The correct explanation for what Bill observed would be: "The water bottle crumpled as a result of the volume shrinking with the decrease in temperature."

To determine what Bill observed during the science experiment, let's analyze the information provided in the passage.

First, Bill grabbed an unfilled water bottle and capped it securely. Then, he immersed the water bottle into a pot of boiling water and left it there for 5 minutes. After that, he removed the bottle from the heat and placed it in a bath of cold water.

Based on this information, we can conclude that Bill observed a change in the water bottle when transitioning from the boiling water to the cold water.

When a water bottle is heated, the temperature increase causes the molecules inside the bottle to gain energy and move faster, leading to an expansion in volume. On the other hand, when the water bottle is placed in cold water, the temperature decrease causes the molecules to lose energy and slow down, resulting in a reduction in volume.

Given this, we can infer that the water bottle would have initially expanded in the boiling water and then crumpled when transferred to the cold water due to the decrease in volume. Therefore, the best explanation for Bill's observation is:

"The water bottle crumpled as a result of the volume shrinking with the decrease in temperature."