Simplify −4(7b+3)+24b−8.(1 point)


-28b - 12 + 24b - 8

= -4b + 4

To simplify −4(7b+3)+24b−8, you can follow these steps:

1. Distribute the −4 to the terms inside the parentheses: −4 * 7b = -28b and −4 * 3 = -12.

The expression becomes: -28b - 12 + 24b - 8.

2. Combine like terms: -28b and 24b can be combined to give -4b.

The expression becomes: -4b - 12 - 8.

3. Simplify further: -12 - 8 equals -20.

The final simplified expression is: -4b - 20.

To simplify the expression −4(7b+3)+24b−8, we can distribute the −4 to the terms inside the parentheses, and then combine like terms.

First, distribute −4 to the terms inside the parentheses:
−4(7b+3) = −28b − 12

Now, let's rewrite the expression with the distributed term and the remaining terms:
−28b − 12 + 24b − 8

Next, combine like terms by adding or subtracting coefficients:
−28b + 24b − 12 − 8

Combine the b terms: -28b + 24b = -4b

Combine the constant terms: -12 - 8 = -20

The simplified expression is:
-4b - 20.