Simplify 17d−33+9(2d+6)−11.(1 point)

To simplify the given expression, we can start by applying the distributive property to the term 9(2d+6):

9(2d+6) = 9 * 2d + 9 * 6 = 18d + 54.

Now, the expression becomes:

17d - 33 + 18d + 54 - 11.

Next, we can combine like terms:

(17d + 18d) -33 + 54 - 11 = 35d + 10.

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 17d−33+9(2d+6)−11 is 35d + 10.

To simplify the expression 17d - 33 + 9(2d + 6) - 11, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and simplify each part step-by-step.

Step 1: Simplify the expression within parentheses.
Inside the parentheses, we have 2d + 6. We multiply 9 by each term inside the parentheses:
9(2d) + 9(6)

This gives us 18d + 54.

Step 2: Simplify the expression by combining like terms.
Now, we have:
17d - 33 + 18d + 54 - 11

Combine the terms with the same variable (d): 17d + 18d = (17 + 18)d = 35d

Combine the constant terms: -33 + 54 - 11 = 10

So, the simplified expression is:
35d + 10

To simplify the expression 17d−33+9(2d+6)−11, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

1. First, let's distribute the 9 to the terms inside the parentheses:
17d − 33 + 9(2d + 6) − 11 = 17d − 33 + 18d + 54 − 11

2. Then, combine like terms by simplifying the expressions with the same variable (d) and adding or subtracting the coefficients:
17d + 18d − 33 + 54 − 11 = (17d + 18d) + (−33 + 54 − 11) = 35d + 10

So, the simplified expression is 35d + 10.