Advantages and Disadvantages of American Forces During the Revolutionary War

Advantages Disadvantages
Familiar with land Less money to fund the war
Access to resources Less national development
Willingness to fight Poorly trained and supplied
Minutemen and volunteers Smaller population
Use the image to answer the question.

Based on the chart, what major advantage did the colonists have over the British during the Revolutionary War?

(1 point)

colonists had more supplies than the British
colonists had more supplies than the British

colonists had European financial support
colonists had European financial support

colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British
colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British

colonists had more soldiers than the British

Based on the chart, the major advantage that the colonists had over the British during the Revolutionary War is that they had a better knowledge of the land than the British.

Based on the chart, the major advantage that the colonists had over the British during the Revolutionary War is that the colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British.

Based on the chart, the major advantage that the colonists had over the British during the Revolutionary War was their better knowledge of the land. This advantage is indicated under the "Advantages" column as "Familiar with land". This means that the colonists, being native to the American colonies, were familiar with the terrain, geography, and potential hiding spots, which allowed them to use guerrilla warfare tactics and conduct surprise attacks on the British forces. They were able to navigate the land more effectively and utilize their knowledge of the local environment to their advantage.