Add: 12(x+4)+14(4x−2). Answer should be in mixed number form.(1 point)


To simplify the expression, we distribute the coefficients:

12(x+4) = 12x + 48
14(4x-2) = 56x - 28

Now, we combine the like terms:

12x + 48 + 56x - 28

Add the coefficients of the x terms:
12x + 56x = 68x

Combine the constants terms:
48 - 28 = 20

So the simplified expression is:

68x + 20

Since no specific value of x is given, we cannot convert it into a mixed number form.

Add: 1/2(x+4)+1/4(4x−2) . Answer should be in mixed number

To simplify the expression 12(x+4) + 14(4x-2), we need to distribute the coefficients to each term inside the parentheses.

12(x+4) = 12*x + 12*4 = 12x + 48
14(4x-2) = 14*4x - 14*2 = 56x - 28

Now we can combine like terms by adding the coefficients of the same variables.

12x + 48 + 56x - 28

Combining like terms, we have 12x + 56x + 48 - 28

This simplifies to 68x + 20

To express the answer in mixed number form, we divide the coefficient (68) by the constant term (20).

To simplify the expression 12(x+4)+14(4x−2), you need to apply the distributive property first.

Step 1: Distribute 12 to each term inside the parentheses:
12(x+4) = 12*x + 12*4 = 12x + 48

Step 2: Distribute 14 to each term inside the parentheses:
14(4x−2) = 14*4x − 14*2 = 56x - 28

Now the expression becomes:
12x + 48 + 56x - 28

Step 3: Combine like terms:
(12x + 56x) + (48 - 28) = 68x + 20

To convert the answer into mixed number form, you need to divide the coefficient (68) by the denominator (20). The quotient will be the whole number, and the remainder will be the numerator of the fractional part.

Step 4: Divide 68 by 20:
68 ÷ 20 = 3 remainder 8

So, the mixed number form of the answer is:
3 8/20

You can simplify the fraction by reducing it to lowest terms:
8/20 can be simplified as 2/5

Therefore, the final answer in mixed number form is:
3 2/5