what type of number is -0.083 ?

-0.083 is a real number.

The number -0.083 is a negative number. Specifically, it is a negative decimal number.

The number -0.083 is a negative decimal number. To identify the type of number it is, we can break it down:

1. Sign: The negative sign (-) indicates that the number is negative.

2. Decimal: The presence of a decimal point indicates that it is a decimal number. Decimal numbers include both positive and negative values.

3. Magnitude: The magnitude of the number, in this case, is 0.083. The value following the decimal point represents a fraction of a whole number. In this case, 0.083 is less than 1.

Combining these characteristics, we can conclude that -0.083 is a negative decimal number with a magnitude less than 1.