On a distance vs. time graph for an object, a line segment that is sloping upward indicates(1 point)


motion in the negative direction.
motion in the negative direction.

motion in the positive direction.
motion in the positive direction.

that the object is accelerating.
that the object is accelerating.

that the object is speeding up.
that the object is speeding up.

motion in the positive direction.

A line segment sloping upward on a distance vs. time graph indicates that the object is moving in the positive direction.

The correct answer is: that the object is speeding up.

To understand why, let's first talk about distance vs. time graphs. In these graphs, the x-axis represents time and the y-axis represents distance. The graph shows how the distance of an object changes over time.

When a line segment on the graph slopes upward, it means that the distance is increasing as time goes on. In other words, the object is moving further away from its starting point.

If the distance is increasing, it means that the object is covering more ground or moving a greater distance. This indicates that the object is speeding up because it is covering more distance in a given amount of time.

Acceleration, on the other hand, refers to how quickly the speed of an object changes over time. Although an upward sloping line segment indicates that the object is speeding up, it does not necessarily mean that the object is accelerating. Acceleration is represented by a curved line segment on a distance vs. time graph, not a straight line.

To summarize, an upward sloping line segment on a distance vs. time graph indicates that the object is speeding up, but it does not necessarily imply acceleration.