true or false 2D shapes that have a name and can be explained using mathematical equations are called organic shapes?



Organic shapes are generally irregular and have a natural, free-flowing, or curvilinear appearance. They are often inspired by nature, such as the shapes of plants, animals, and natural landscapes. On the other hand, 2D shapes that have a name and can be explained using mathematical equations are more likely to be classified as geometric shapes. Geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles, have defined measurements and angles that can be described using mathematical equations.


2D shapes that have a name and can be explained using mathematical equations are called geometric shapes, not organic shapes. Organic shapes do not have specific names and are typically irregular in nature, often resembling natural forms like plants or animals.

False. 2D shapes that have a name and can be explained using mathematical equations are called geometric shapes, not organic shapes.

To understand this, let's break down the question:

1. 2D Shapes: This refers to shapes that exist in two dimensions, like circles, squares, triangles, etc. They are flat and have only length and width.

2. Name: Geometric shapes have specific names based on their characteristics. For example, a shape with four sides of equal length and four right angles is called a square.

3. Mathematical Equations: Geometric shapes can be described using mathematical equations and formulas. These equations can represent properties such as perimeter, area, angles, and side lengths.

On the other hand, organic shapes are irregular and freeform. They do not have specific names or mathematical equations to describe them. Organic shapes often mimic or represent objects found in nature, such as leaves, clouds, or animals. They are more fluid and less predictable than geometric shapes.

So, in conclusion, 2D shapes with names and described by mathematical equations are called geometric shapes, not organic shapes.