Which statement best analyzes the impact of the Burmese python on the Florida Everglades region? (1 point)

• The Burmese python has caused minimal ecological change in the Florida Everglades region because its lood preference is not dominant in the Everglades.
The Burmese python, though an invasive species, has not had a great impact on the Florida Everglades region because it is easy to detect and remove.
• The growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in a severe decline in the reproductive success of turtles
• The growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in severe declines in native mammal species

• The growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in severe declines in native mammal species

This statement best analyzes the impact of the Burmese python on the Florida Everglades region because it highlights the negative effect the python population has had on native mammal species.

The statement "The growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in severe declines in native mammal species" best analyzes the impact of the Burmese python on the Florida Everglades region.

To determine which statement best analyzes the impact of the Burmese python on the Florida Everglades region, we need to evaluate each statement and consider the available evidence.

Statement 1 argues that the Burmese python has caused minimal ecological change in the Florida Everglades because its food preference is not dominant in the Everglades. To evaluate this statement, we would need to examine the ecological impact of the python's presence in the Everglades, including its diet and interactions with other species. However, no information is given about the python's diet or its impact on the ecosystem, so we cannot determine the validity of this statement based on the information provided.

Statement 2 suggests that the Burmese python, although an invasive species, has not had a significant impact on the Everglades because it is easy to detect and remove. Again, no evidence is given to support this claim. The ease of detection and removal alone does not necessarily mean the python has had minimal impact.

Statement 3 states that the growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in a severe decline in the reproductive success of turtles. This statement provides a specific impact of the python population growth on a particular species. If there is evidence supporting this claim, it would indicate a significant ecological impact of the python on the Everglades region.

Statement 4 argues that the growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in severe declines in native mammal species. Like statement 3, this statement provides specific consequences of the python population growth on native mammal species. This claim suggests a significant ecological impact on mammal populations in the Everglades.

Based on the information provided, statements 3 and 4 provide more specific and tangible impacts of the Burmese python on the Florida Everglades region. Therefore, the best statement to analyze the impact of the python on the Everglades region is:

• The growth of the Burmese python population has resulted in severe declines in native mammal species.