To corroborate information is to

find evidence that disproves a scientific position.

find evidence that opposes a scientific position.

find evidence that supports a scientific position.

find evidence that proves a scientific position.

find evidence that supports a scientific position.


To corroborate information means to provide additional evidence or support for a particular claim or position. In the context of science, corroborating information refers to finding evidence that aligns with and supports a scientific position or hypothesis. It involves collecting data, conducting experiments, or reviewing existing research to strengthen and validate the original claim. Corroborating evidence adds credibility and increases the confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the scientific position. It is an essential step in the scientific process to ensure the validity and robustness of scientific claims.

Validity refers to





Validity refers to the extent to which a measure or research study accurately measures or reflects what it intends to measure or reflect. It is a measure of the soundness and accuracy of the conclusions drawn from the data or evidence collected. While consistency and reliability are related concepts in research, validity goes beyond consistency and reliability to assess the accuracy and appropriateness of the methods used and the conclusions drawn. Originality, on the other hand, refers to the novelty or uniqueness of an idea or concept and is not directly related to the concept of validity in research.

which is it

Validity refers to the accuracy of the conclusions or results obtained from a study, so the correct answer is accuracy.

Which question can be used to evaluate reliability of a source?

“Is this research relevant to me?”

“Is this data challenged by anyone in the public?”

"Is the author American?"

“Is the research peer-reviewed?"

The question that can be used to evaluate the reliability of a source is: "Is the research peer-reviewed?" Peer review is a process where experts in the field critically evaluate and assess the quality, methodology, and findings of a research study before it gets published. Peer-reviewed research undergoes rigorous scrutiny and is considered a reliable indication of the quality and credibility of the information presented. The other options such as the relevance to oneself, challenges by the public, or the nationality of the author do not directly measure the reliability of the source.

To corroborate information means to find evidence that supports a scientific position. Corroboration helps to strengthen and validate a claim or theory by providing additional evidence from separate sources or using different methods. It involves finding evidence that is consistent and in agreement with the initial information or claim.