An electrical repair shop charges 37% of the cost of a new motor for rewinding the motor if the motor costs $375 new how much would the rewinding cost be

To find the cost of rewinding, we need to multiply the cost of the new motor by the percentage charged for rewinding.

Rewinding cost = Cost of new motor * Percentage charged for rewinding/100
Rewinding cost = $375 * 37/100
Rewinding cost = $138.75

Therefore, the rewinding cost would be $138.75.

To find the cost of rewinding the motor, we need to calculate 37% of the cost of the new motor.

Step 1: Convert the percentage into decimal form:
37% = 0.37

Step 2: Multiply the decimal form by the cost of the new motor:
0.37 * $375 = $138.75

Therefore, the cost of rewinding the motor would be $138.75.

To find the cost of rewinding the motor, you need to calculate 37% of the cost of the new motor.

First, find 37% of $375:
37% = 37/100 = 0.37
Rewinding Cost = 0.37 * $375

To calculate this, multiply 0.37 by $375:
Rewinding Cost = $138.75

Therefore, the cost of rewinding the motor would be $138.75.