Expand −76(3g+2).

To expand −76(3g+2), we distribute the −76 to each term inside the parentheses, which gives us:

−76 * 3g + (-76) * 2

Multiplying −76 by 3g gives −228g, and multiplying −76 by 2 gives −152. Therefore, the expanded form of −76(3g+2) is −228g − 152.

To expand −76(3g+2), we can distribute the −76 to each term inside the parentheses.

First, we multiply −76 by 3g:
−76 * 3g = −228g

Next, we multiply −76 by 2:
−76 * 2 = −152

So the expanded form of −76(3g+2) is:
−228g − 152

To expand the expression −76(3g+2), we will use the distributive property. The distributive property states that multiplying a number outside of parentheses by each term inside the parentheses is equivalent to multiplying the number by the sum of those terms.

In this case, we will multiply −76 by each term inside the parentheses:

−76 * 3g = −228g
−76 * 2 = −152

Therefore, the expanded form of −76(3g+2) is −228g−152.