What should summaries always include?(1 point)


important details and the writer's opinions

main idea and writer's thoughts and feelings

main idea and important details

important details and interesting details

main idea and important details

The correct answer is: main idea and important details.

The correct answer is: main idea and important details.

To understand what summaries should always include, it's important to know that a summary is a brief overview of a longer piece of writing. The purpose of a summary is to provide the reader with a condensed version of the main points and key information of the original text.

When creating a summary, it is crucial to include the main idea or main point of the original text. This is the central message or thesis that the writer wants to convey. Without a clear understanding of the main idea, a summary would be incomplete.

Additionally, a summary should include important details from the original text. These are facts, explanations, examples, or evidence that support the main idea or provide further insight. Including important details helps to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

However, a summary should not include the writer's opinions or thoughts and feelings. These subjective elements are not objective facts found in the original text and can bias the summary. A good summary should focus on presenting the main points and key information of the original text in a concise and objective manner.

So, when creating a summary, always try to include the main idea and important details while avoiding personal opinions or thoughts.