Based on the properties of elements in the periodic table, which element is the weakest conductor of electricity?

1. francium (Fr)
2. nickel (Ni)
3. arsenic (As)
4. cerium (Ce)

The weakest conductor of electricity among the elements listed would be arsenic (As).

To determine which element is the weakest conductor of electricity, we can refer to the properties of elements in the periodic table. In general, elements on the left side of the periodic table (alkali metals and alkaline earth metals) tend to be better conductors of electricity, while elements on the right side (nonmetals) are poorer conductors. Let's analyze the options:

1. Francium (Fr) is located in Group 1, which consists of alkali metals. Alkali metals are excellent conductors of electricity, so francium is not the weakest conductor.
2. Nickel (Ni) is a transition metal located in Group 10. Transition metals are generally good conductors of electricity, so nickel is not the weakest conductor.
3. Arsenic (As) is a nonmetal located in Group 15. Nonmetals are generally poor conductors of electricity, so arsenic is a potential candidate for the weakest conductor.
4. Cerium (Ce) is a lanthanide located in the f-block. Lanthanides are generally not known for their conductivity, but they are not the weakest conductors among elements.

Based on these facts, the element with the highest likelihood of being the weakest conductor of electricity is arsenic (As).

To determine which element is the weakest conductor of electricity, we can look at the properties of each element in the given options. The key property to consider here is the electrical conductivity.

1. Francium (Fr): Francium belongs to the alkali metal group in the periodic table. Alkali metals are generally good conductors of electricity due to their low ionization energy and the ability to readily lose electrons. Therefore, francium is not likely to be the weakest conductor of electricity.

2. Nickel (Ni): Nickel is a transition metal and is known for its good electrical conductivity. Transition metals generally have high electrical conductivity due to the presence of partially filled d-orbitals. Therefore, nickel is unlikely to be the weakest conductor of electricity.

3. Arsenic (As): Arsenic is a metalloid and its electrical conductivity is comparatively lower than metals. Metalloids possess properties between those of metals and nonmetals, and tend to have lower conductivity due to their partially filled valence bands. Therefore, arsenic has a higher probability of being the weakest conductor of electricity among the given options.

4. Cerium (Ce): Cerium is a lanthanide, which is a subset of the transition metals. Like other transition metals, cerium also has good electrical conductivity. So, cerium is unlikely to be the weakest conductor of electricity.

Considering the properties mentioned above, the element with the highest possibility of being the weakest conductor of electricity among the given options is arsenic (As). However, to confirm this, you may refer to reliable sources or consult a periodic table that provides information on the electrical conductivity of elements.