Use this sentence: John lives on a part of Earth where the angle of the sun's rays are very high, and the latitude is low.

Which temperatures does John experience quite often?

(1 point)

temperatures that are sometimes very high and sometimes low
temperatures that are sometimes very high and sometimes low

high temperatures
high temperatures

moderate temperatures
moderate temperatures

low temperatures

temperatures that are sometimes very high and sometimes low.

Based on the given sentence, John lives in a part of Earth where the angle of the sun's rays is very high and the latitude is low. This suggests that John experiences high temperatures quite often, as the high angle of the sun's rays can result in more direct and intense sunlight, leading to hotter temperatures. Therefore, the correct response would be "high temperatures."

Based on the information given in the sentence, John lives in a part of Earth where the angle of the sun's rays are very high and the latitude is low. This means that John experiences high temperatures quite often.