Which option must be placed between coordinate adjectives

No punctuation


Commas must be placed between coordinate adjectives. When two or more adjectives are used to describe the same noun and can be rearranged without changing the meaning, commas are used to separate them. For example: "She wore a beautiful, elegant dress."

The correct option that must be placed between coordinate adjectives is commas.

When using multiple adjectives to describe the same noun, a comma is required to separate coordinate adjectives. For example: "She has beautiful, long hair." In this sentence, "beautiful" and "long" are coordinate adjectives describing the noun "hair." Therefore, a comma is needed to indicate that both adjectives are equal in importance.

Semicolons are typically used to separate independent clauses in a sentence or to separate items in a list when those items contain commas. They are not used to separate coordinate adjectives.

No punctuation is not the appropriate choice because punctuation is needed to separate coordinate adjectives and avoid confusion.

Periods, or full stops, are used to indicate the end of a sentence, so they are not suitable for separating coordinate adjectives.