Which sentence is written in passive voice?(1 point)


The quarterly ratings illustrate a boost in viewership.
The quarterly ratings illustrate a boost in viewership.
The veteran anchorman reported the nightly news.
The veteran anchorman reported the nightly news.
Late night comedy makes us laugh.
Late night comedy makes us laugh.
Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations.
Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations.

Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations.

The sentence written in passive voice is: "Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations."

The sentence written in passive voice is:

"Local television stations are owned by larger news organizations."

To identify passive voice, we look for a sentence where the subject is being acted upon, rather than performing the action itself. In this sentence, the subject "local television stations" is being acted upon (i.e., being owned) by the larger news organizations.