What is the appropriate constitutional principle to match this description?

“ government power is shared among three branches”

a. Checks and balances.
b. Separation of powers.
c. Popular Sovereignty.

b. Separation of powers.

The appropriate constitutional principle that matches the description "government power is shared among three branches" is b. Separation of powers.

The appropriate constitutional principle that matches the description "government power is shared among three branches" is b. Separation of powers.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and explain their meanings:

a. Checks and balances: This principle refers to the system where each branch of government has the ability to limit the powers of the other branches to prevent the abuse of power.

b. Separation of powers: This principle establishes that the powers of the government are divided among three separate branches: the legislative branch (responsible for making laws), the executive branch (responsible for implementing and enforcing laws), and the judicial branch (responsible for interpreting the laws).

c. Popular sovereignty: This principle asserts that the ultimate power of the government is derived from the consent of the governed, meaning that the people have the power to govern themselves.

Given that the description specifically mentions the sharing of power among three branches, the most appropriate principle is b. Separation of powers, as it emphasizes the division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.