What is the appropriate constitutional principle to match this description?

“ government branches can oversee the power of other branches”

a. Checks and balances.
b. Separation of powers.
c. Popular Sovereignty.

a. Checks and balances.

The appropriate constitutional principle that matches the description "government branches can oversee the power of other branches" is a. Checks and balances.

The appropriate constitutional principle that matches the description "government branches can oversee the power of other branches" is a. Checks and balances.

Checks and balances is a fundamental principle in the United States Constitution that ensures that no single branch of government becomes too powerful. It establishes a system of mutual accountability among the three branches of government - the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

To get to this answer, you can analyze the description: "government branches can oversee the power of other branches." This implies that there is a form of control or oversight in place. By understanding the concept of checks and balances, which focuses on maintaining a distribution of power and preventing any one branch from gaining too much authority, it becomes clear that this is the appropriate constitutional principle.