Devan borrowed $27. They then earned $33. After paying back what they owed, how much money does Devan have?(1 point)

Devan has $33 - $27 = $<<33-27=6>>6. Answer: \boxed{6}.

To find out how much money Devan has after paying back what they owed, we need to subtract the amount borrowed from the amount earned.

Amount borrowed = $27
Amount earned = $33

Amount after paying back what was owed = Amount earned - Amount borrowed

Amount after paying back what was owed = $33 - $27

Amount after paying back what was owed = $6

Therefore, Devan has $6 remaining after paying back what they owed.

To find out how much money Devan has after paying back what they borrowed, we need to calculate the total amount of money they have earned and subtract the amount they borrowed.

First, let's calculate how much money Devan has after earning. Devan earned $33.

Next, we subtract the amount Devan borrowed. Devan borrowed $27.

To find the total amount of money Devan has after paying back what they borrowed, we can subtract the borrowed amount from the earned amount:

$33 - $27 = $6

Therefore, Devan has $6 left after paying back what they borrowed.