which was a solution on how to elect a president? Select all that apply.

a. Great compromise
b. Electoral college
c. 3/5 compromise
d. Bill of Rights

a. Great compromise

b. Electoral college

The solutions on how to elect a president are:

a. Great compromise
b. Electoral college

The solution on how to elect a president can be found by considering options a, b, and c. The correct answers are:

a. Great compromise: The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was a solution proposed during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which established a bicameral legislature. It combined elements from both the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan to create a two-house Congress where each state has equal representation in the Senate and representation based on population in the House of Representatives.

b. Electoral college: The Electoral College is the method used to elect the President of the United States. It is an indirect voting system where the citizens vote for a group of electors from their state who then cast the actual vote to select the President. The number of electors for each state is determined by the representation they have in Congress, combining both senators and representatives from that state.

c. 3/5 compromise: The 3/5 compromise was a solution reached during the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to address the issue of how enslaved individuals should be counted for representation and taxation purposes. It stated that enslaved individuals would be counted as three-fifths of a person when determining a state's population for these purposes.

d. Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights, while an essential part of the United States Constitution, does not directly address the process of electing a president. It consists of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which protect individual rights and limit the powers of the federal government.