Identify the property shown by the equation seven plus parentheses five plus eight parenthesis equals parentheses seven plus five parentheses plus eight

The property shown by the equation is the associative property of addition.

The property shown by the equation is the Commutative Property of Addition.

The property shown by the equation you provided is the Associative Property of Addition.

To identify this property, let's break down the equation:

7 + (5 + 8) = (7 + 5) + 8

In this equation, we have three numbers: 7, 5, and 8. The equation shows two different groupings of these numbers using parentheses.

According to the Associative Property of Addition, the grouping of numbers can be changed without changing the sum. This means that you can add the numbers in any order or group them differently, and the result will be the same.

In the given equation, the numbers 5 and 8 are grouped together inside the parentheses. On the left side, we have 7 + (5 + 8), which means we add 5 and 8 first, and then add the sum to 7.

On the right side, we have (7 + 5) + 8, which means we add 7 and 5 first, and then add the sum to 8.

Both sides of the equation yield the same result, demonstrating the Associative Property of Addition.