Cody and Aria are painting a mural they decide they want part of the morals to have a purple background.

Cody and Aria gather their painting supplies, excited to start working on their mural. Collaborating on the design, they brainstorm ideas for the purple background. They discuss various shades of purple and the different effects they can create.

After considering their options, Cody and Aria decide on a soft lavender shade for the background. They believe it will add a calm and soothing atmosphere to the mural. They mix their paints, combining red and blue hues to create the perfect shade of purple they envisioned.

Carefully, the two friends begin to apply the purple paint to the designated area of the wall. Cody takes the left side of the background, while Aria focuses on the right side. They work harmoniously, keeping their strokes fluid and even.

As they continue to paint, Cody and Aria occasionally stop to step back and admire their progress. The purple background provides a striking visual contrast against the other elements of the mural. It immediately catches the eye and adds depth to the overall composition.

Cody and Aria take turns painting, letting their artistic instincts guide their brushstrokes. They occasionally exchange ideas and suggestions for embellishments or additional elements to incorporate within the purple background. Their collaboration enhances their creative process, allowing them to build upon each other's ideas and make the mural truly unique.

As they work, time seems to fly by, and before they know it, the purple background is complete. They step back to observe their creation, pleased with how beautifully the purple sets the tone for the rest of the mural. Its vibrancy and elegance blend seamlessly with the other colors and elements, making the entire artwork come alive.

With the purple background in place, Cody and Aria feel inspired and motivated to continue painting the rest of the mural. They are excited to see how their combined efforts will transform the wall into a masterpiece.

To start painting a mural with a purple background, Cody and Aria need to follow these steps:

1. Prep the surface: Ensure that the area they plan to paint on is clean and smooth. Remove any dirt, dust, or debris from the wall or canvas they will be using for the mural.

2. Gather supplies: Get all the necessary materials to paint the mural, including paintbrushes, paint trays, paint rollers, a drop cloth or plastic sheeting to protect the surrounding area, and, of course, purple paint.

3. Choose the shade of purple: Decide on the specific shade of purple they want to use for the background. They can select from options like lavender, violet, amethyst, or deep purple, depending on the desired look and feel of the mural.

4. Mix the paint: If they are using acrylic or oil-based paint, they may need to mix different colors together to achieve the desired shade of purple. Use a palette or a spare tray to mix the colors thoroughly until they get the right hue.

5. Apply a base coat: Before painting the mural, they can consider applying a base coat of white or gray paint on the area they plan to paint purple. This step can help ensure a smooth and even application of the purple paint and allow for better coverage.

6. Start painting: Begin painting the background with the chosen shade of purple. If using brushes, start from the edges and work towards the middle, using long, even strokes. If using a roller, cover a small section at a time, applying light pressure to achieve even coverage.

7. Layer and refine: Depending on the desired intensity of the purple background, they may need to apply multiple layers of paint. Allow each layer to dry before applying the next one.

8. Touch-ups and details: Once the background is complete, check for any areas that require touch-ups or refinement. Use a smaller brush or a different painting technique to add any necessary details or fix any imperfections.

9. Clean up: Once the mural is finished, clean all the painting supplies properly. Rinse brushes and rollers with water if using water-based paint or use the appropriate cleaning agent if using oil-based paint. Dispose of any unused paint or store it properly for future use.

Remember to always follow safety precautions when handling paint, such as wearing protective clothing and ensuring proper ventilation in the painting area.

To determine how much purple paint Cody and Aria would need, we need to know the dimensions of the area they want to paint purple. Could you please provide the length and width of the section they want to cover with a purple background?