Expand 1/3(q−6) using the Distributive Property.(1 point)


negative Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction q plus 2

Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction q minus 6

negative Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction q plus 6

Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction q minus 2

1/3 * q - 1/3 * 6 = 1/3 * q - 2 = (1/3)q - 2

To expand 1/3(q-6) using the Distributive Property, we distribute 1/3 to both terms inside the parentheses:

1/3 * q = 1/3q

1/3 * -6 = -2

So, the expanded form of 1/3(q-6) is 1/3q - 2.

To expand 1/3(q-6) using the Distributive Property, we need to distribute the 1/3 to both terms inside the parentheses.

First, distribute the 1/3 to the q term:
1/3 * q = q/3

Next, distribute the 1/3 to the -6 term:
1/3 * (-6) = -6/3 = -2

So, the expanded form of 1/3(q-6) is q/3 - 2.