The cost of a taxi ride is 5 dollars plus 50 cents per mile. Write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a taxi ride of m miles.

m(5 + 0.5)

five plus five tenths over m

5 + 0.5m

5m + 0.5

The correct algebraic expression that models the cost of a taxi ride of m miles would be 5 + 0.5m.

The algebraic expression that models the cost of a taxi ride of m miles is 5 + 0.5m.

The algebraic expression that models the cost of a taxi ride of m miles is 5 + 0.5m.

To understand how this expression is derived, we start with the given information that the cost of a taxi ride is $5 plus 50 cents per mile. Since the cost per mile is 50 cents, we can represent it as 0.5 in decimal form.

Now, we need to determine the total cost of the ride, which will include a fixed cost of $5 in addition to the cost per mile. Since the cost per mile is 0.5, we multiply it by the number of miles, represented as m.

This gives us the expression 5 + 0.5m, where 5 represents the fixed cost and 0.5m represents the variable cost based on the number of miles traveled.