Harper bought a 35-pound bag of birdseed. She filled some bird feeders with the seed.

How can Harper find out how much birdseed she used?


Use a tape measure to find the height of the seed left in the bag, and then subtract the number of inches from 35.

Use pint containers to measure the volume of the seed left in the bag, and then subtract the number of pints from 35.

Use a scale to weigh the amount of seed left in the bag, and then subtract the number of pounds from 35.

Use a scale to weigh the amount of birdseed used, and then subtract the number of pounds from 35.

To find out how much birdseed Harper used, she can use one of the following methods:

1. Method: Using a tape measure
- Harper can measure the height of the seed left in the bag using a tape measure.
- Then, she can subtract the measured height (in inches) from the original 35-pound bag. The remaining weight will indicate how much birdseed she used.

2. Method: Using pint containers
- Harper can use pint containers to measure the volume of the seed left in the bag.
- Then, she can subtract the measured volume (in pints) from the original 35-pound bag. The remaining weight will indicate how much birdseed she used.

3. Method: Using a scale
- Harper can use a scale to weigh the amount of seed left in the bag.
- Then, she can subtract the measured weight (in pounds) from the original 35-pound bag. The remaining weight will indicate how much birdseed she used.

To find out how much birdseed Harper used, she can use a scale to weigh the amount of seed left in the bag, and then subtract the number of pounds from the initial weight of the bag, which was 35 pounds.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Get a scale: Harper will need a scale that is capable of accurately measuring the weight of the birdseed.

2. Weigh the remaining seed: Place the bag of birdseed on the scale and measure its current weight. Make sure to subtract the weight of the bag itself, if possible.

3. Subtract the weight: Once Harper has the weight of the remaining seed, subtract that number from the initial weight of the bag, which is 35 pounds.

For example, if the remaining seed weighs 20 pounds, Harper will subtract 20 from 35, giving a result of 15 pounds. This means she used 15 pounds of birdseed.

Using a scale is a straightforward and accurate way to determine how much birdseed was used.