Mackenzie bought a 10-pound bag of flour. She used some of the flour to bake loaves of bread.

How can Mackenzie find the amount of flour she used?


Use a tape measure to measure the height of the remaining flour, and then subtract the number of inches from 10.

Use quart containers to measure the volume of the remaining flour, and then subtract the number of quarts from 10.

Use a scale to weigh the bag with the remaining flour, and then subtract the number of pounds from 10.

Use a scale to weigh the bag after using some of the flour, and then subtract the weight of the bag from the original weight of the bag with flour.

To find the amount of flour Mackenzie used, she can use a scale to weigh the bag with the remaining flour, and then subtract the weight of the remaining flour from the total weight of the bag.

The correct method for Mackenzie to find the amount of flour she used is to use a scale to weigh the bag with the remaining flour, and then subtract the weight of the remaining flour from the original weight of the bag, which was 10 pounds. This will give her the amount of flour she used.