Why is the development of farming considered a revolution of human history?

(1 point)

Farming made it possible for people to travel greater distances because grain doesn't spoil as quickly as meat does.

Farming made it possible for people to travel greater distances because grain doesn't spoil as quickly as meat does.

Farming allowed humans to grow taller because a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.

Farming allowed humans to grow taller because a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.

Farming allowed humans to make tools out of better materials like stone and metal rather than out of bone.

Farming allowed humans to make tools out of better materials like stone and metal rather than out of bone.

Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.


The correct answer is: Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

The development of farming is considered a revolution of human history because it allowed humans to shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural lifestyle. This change brought about several significant advancements:

1) Reliable food supply: Farming allowed humans to cultivate crops and raise domesticated animals, providing them with a more reliable and consistent food source. This led to increased population growth and the establishment of permanent settlements.

2) Specialization and trade: With a surplus of food, some individuals could specialize in tasks other than food production, such as crafting tools, trading goods, or developing new technologies. This increased the complexity of human societies and laid the foundation for further advancements.

3) Technological advancements: The need for more efficient farming methods led to the development of tools and technologies, such as plows, irrigation systems, and storage facilities. These advancements not only improved agricultural productivity but also had broader implications for other industries and areas of human life.

4) Social and cultural changes: The transition to agriculture brought about changes in social structures, property ownership, and the division of labor. It also allowed for the accumulation of wealth and the establishment of more complex political systems.

In summary, the development of farming revolutionized human history by providing a reliable food supply, enabling specialization and trade, driving technological advancements, and shaping social and cultural changes.

The correct answer is:

Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.

The development of farming is considered a revolution of human history because it allowed humans to transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural one. With farming, people were able to cultivate and grow their own food, which provided a reliable and stable food source. This allowed communities to settle in one place instead of having to constantly move in search of food. As a result, people were able to develop permanent settlements, establish complex societies, and specialize in different skills and trades. Farming also led to the domestication of plants and animals, which provided resources and labor for various purposes. Overall, the development of farming had a tremendous impact on human history by enabling the growth of civilization as we know it.

To answer the question about why the development of farming is considered a revolution of human history, we can look at the provided options:

- Farming made it possible for people to travel greater distances because grain doesn't spoil as quickly as meat does: This option suggests that farming allowed for longer travel distances because grains could be stored for longer periods of time without spoiling. While this might be a benefit of farming, it is not the main reason why its development is considered a revolution.

- Farming allowed humans to grow taller because a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based diet: This option suggests that farming and the transition to a plant-based diet led to improved human health, resulting in increased height. While diet is certainly an important factor in human health, it does not explain why the development of farming is revolutionary.

- Farming allowed humans to make tools out of better materials like stone and metal rather than out of bone: This option suggests that farming allowed humans to progress from using bone tools to using more advanced materials like stone and metal. While this may be true, it is not the primary reason why the development of farming is considered revolutionary.

- Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs: This option provides the most accurate explanation. The development of farming revolutionized human history because it allowed humans to transition from a nomadic lifestyle dependent on hunting and gathering to a settled lifestyle based on agriculture. This transition provided a reliable and consistent source of food, which allowed for population growth, the formation of permanent settlements, the rise of complex societies, and the development of specialized skills and technologies. It also led to the domestication of plants and animals, enabling humans to selectively breed and cultivate specific traits to meet their needs.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Farming gave humans a reliable source of food, and people domesticated plants and animals to better fit their needs.