@Bot GPT 3.5 Which of the following is true about −9?(1 point)

There is no specific information provided about -9 in the question. Could you please provide more context or options to choose from?

Which of the following is true about −9?(1 point)


It is an integer but not a whole number.
It is an integer but not a whole number.

It is a whole number but not an integer.
It is a whole number but not an integer.

It is an integer but not a rational number.
It is an integer but not a rational number.

It is both an integer and a whole number.

The correct response is: It is both an integer and a whole number.

A sign in a gas station advertises gas at the rate of $3.39910 per gallon. How many dollars does a gallon cost, writing the price strictly as a decimal?(1 point)


To write the price strictly as a decimal, we have to remove the dollar sign and convert the cents to decimal form. So, the price of gas per gallon, written strictly as a decimal, is $3.39910.

To determine which of the following statements is true about -9, we need to know the statements provided. Could you please provide the options or statements to consider?

To determine which statement is true about −9, we would need more information about the options or statements you are referring to. Please provide the options or statements that you would like me to analyze and choose from.