Which statement best describes the element marked in green?

A. It’s valence is 4
B. The element is in Group 4
C. The element is in Group 1A and has 1 valence electron
D. The element is in Period number 1

B. The element is in Group 4

The information provided is insufficient to determine the answer. Please provide more details or context regarding the element marked in green.

To determine which statement best describes the element marked in green, you can refer to the periodic table. The periodic table displays various properties of elements, including their group number, period number, and valence electrons.

To find the group number, locate the element in question on the periodic table and examine its vertical position or column.

To determine the period number, look at the element's horizontal position or row on the periodic table.

To find the number of valence electrons, use the element's group number. Elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons.

Once you have this information, you can evaluate the given statements to find the correct option.