Amelia is traveling from Los Angeles, California, to Mesa, Arizona. The total distance she will drive is 388 miles. Amelia would like to get to Mesa in approximately 7 hours. She is wondering at what speed she will have to travel in order to make that happen. Using the formula d=vt, rearrange the formula to highlight the quantity of interest.

The formula d=vt relates distance (d), speed (v), and time (t). To rearrange the formula to highlight the quantity of interest, we need to solve for speed (v).

Starting with the original formula:
d = vt

We want to isolate v, so we divide both sides of the equation by t:
d/t = v

Therefore, the rearranged formula that highlights the quantity of interest (speed) is:
v = d/t

The formula d=vt can be rearranged to solve for v (velocity/speed) by dividing both sides of the equation by t (time).

So, the rearranged formula would be v = d/t.

To determine the speed Amelia needs to travel at, we can rearrange the formula d = vt to solve for v, which represents velocity or speed. The formula can be rearranged as follows:

v = d/t

v = velocity or speed
d = distance
t = time

In this case, Amelia needs to determine the speed, so v is the quantity of interest. By plugging in the given values, the formula becomes:

v = 388 miles / 7 hours

By dividing the distance of 388 miles by the time of 7 hours, Amelia can calculate the speed she needs to travel to reach Mesa in approximately 7 hours.