match the function of the branch of government

executive judicial legislative
evaluate laws
make laws
carry out laws

Executive - carry out laws

Judicial - evaluate laws
Legislative - make laws

The functions of the three branches of government are as follows:

Executive Branch:
- Carry out laws: The executive branch, headed by the President or a similar executive leader, is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws passed by the legislative branch. This branch includes various government departments and agencies, such as the Department of Justice, which enforce laws and administer government programs.

Legislative Branch:
- Make laws: The legislative branch, consisting of Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate), is responsible for creating and passing new laws. The members of Congress debate and propose legislation on various issues and topics. Once a bill is approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, it becomes law.

Judicial Branch:
- Evaluate laws: The judicial branch, headed by the Supreme Court, is responsible for interpreting and evaluating laws. The courts, both federal and state, have the power to determine the constitutionality of laws and to settle legal disputes. They ensure that laws are applied fairly and consistently by interpreting and applying them to individual cases.

To match the functions of the branches of government, we can look at the roles of each branch:

1. Executive Branch: The main function of the executive branch is to enforce or carry out laws.

2. Judicial Branch: The primary function of the judicial branch is to evaluate or interpret laws.

3. Legislative Branch: The main function of the legislative branch is to make or create laws.

Based on these descriptions:

- Evaluate laws: This function aligns with the Judicial Branch since it falls under the responsibility of the courts to interpret and evaluate laws.

- Make laws: This function is the responsibility of the Legislative Branch as it is their role to create, draft, debate, and pass laws.

- Carry out laws: This function is the duty of the Executive Branch as it is the responsibility of the executive branch to enforce and execute the laws passed by the legislative branch.

So, to match the functions of the branches of government, the breakdown would be as follows:

- Executive Branch: Carry out laws
- Judicial Branch: Evaluate laws
- Legislative Branch: Make laws