Which of the following were reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

to seek wealth
to seek wealth - only 2 answers are allowed

to enter the fur trade
to enter the fur trade - only 2 answers are allowed

to spread Christianity
to spread Christianity - only 2 answers are allowed

to find new medicines
to find new medicines - only 2 answers are allowed
Only 2 answers are allowed.
Only 2 answers are allowed

to seek wealth and to spread Christianity

The reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World were:

- To seek wealth
- To spread Christianity

To determine which of the following were reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World, we need to select two answers from the options given. Let's evaluate each option:

1. To seek wealth: This is a significant reason for the Spanish colonization of the New World. They sought to gain riches through the discovery and exploitation of valuable resources such as gold, silver, and other natural resources.

2. To enter the fur trade: The fur trade was not a primary motivation for Spanish colonization. It was more associated with European nations such as France and England that established fur trading networks in North America.

3. To spread Christianity: This was also an important motivation for Spanish colonization. The Spanish colonizers aimed to convert the Indigenous populations to Christianity and spread their religious beliefs.

4. To find new medicines: While explorers and colonizers did encounter new plants and potentially medicinal resources in the New World, it was not the primary purpose of Spanish colonization.

So, based on the options provided, the correct answers are:

- To seek wealth
- To spread Christianity